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Brighten Up the Off-Season: Using Tracked Lifts to Increase Winter ROI with Holiday Light Installation

As the colder months settle in, don't let your business hibernate. While many tree care companies experience a peak in activity during the summer and fall, winter can bring a slowdown. However, with the strategic use of your tracked spider lift, your business can transform its winter revenue stream by adding holiday lighting to its service offerings.

Tracked Lifts are a perfect fit for both indoor and outdoor holiday lighting thanks to their generous working heights and side reach—some models even offer up to 50 feet of side reach! This versatility makes them perfect for handling holiday decoration installations, providing ample opportunities to boost business during the traditionally slower winter months. Beyond that, it serves as an effective way to diversify your client base and potentially attract new customers who may become repeat clients, benefiting from your services they might not have discovered otherwise.

By incorporating holiday light installation services into your business strategy, you can leverage effective marketing to grow your customer base. This not only helps to navigate through the winter lull but also lays the groundwork for cultivating trust within your community. The result? Increased revenue and the prospect of year-round work, ultimately leading to a significant boost in your company's profits.

Benefits of Using Spider Lifts for Christmas Light Installation

If you have a Tracked Lift, holiday decorating can be a great way to keep your teams busy during the typically slower winter months. Adding holiday light installation services to your offerings enables you to do the following:

Increase Off-Season Revenue

Holiday decorating becomes one of the best off-season revenue opportunities for companies equipped with spider lifts. While warmer seasons may be dedicated to tree maintenance, power line inspections, and building maintenance, offering holiday lighting services during the winter diversifies your revenue streams. Tracked Lifts' spider lifts are durable enough to operate in any season, ensuring year-round business opportunities.

Boost ROI in Winter

Utilizing spider lifts for holiday lighting allows you to maximize the return on your investment. Since these lifts can be used throughout the year, offering holiday lighting services becomes a strategic move to enhance profits. Whether you're looking to pay off the initial investment or increase overall profitability, expanding your services is the key.

Tap Into New Industries

Diversifying your services by offering holiday lighting allows your business to tap into new industries and broaden its client base. Instead of limiting your services to tree care, you can extend your reach to urban settings and cater to diverse clients, such as large office buildings, schools, shopping centers, and more. If you own a hybrid model that allows you to work solely off of battery power, like the OMMELIFT 2750, you are even better positioned to gain business of clientele with indoor lighting needs like your local shopping mall.Tracked Lifts Christmas Lights cropped

Are Spider Lifts Good for Hanging Christmas Lights?

Spider lifts are a top tier tool for holiday lighting. Not only does their working height and side reach capabilities allow you to install an entire roofline in one setup, our unique design and adjustable outrigger options make our lifts flexible and compact enough to access tight spaces, and set up scenarios on uneven terrain with up to a 40% grade. With these features in your arsenal, you can help businesses and homeowners decorate their hardest-to-reach spaces, and you can hang lights on tall trees and large buildings quickly and easily.

In contrast, traditional ladders fall short, often limiting decorators to reaching only half the height of trees or buildings and posing safety hazards. For example, the tallest ladder for sale at Home Depot is only 40ft, which can be quite dangerous, particularly for a homeowner who isn't a trained professional. Opting for hassle-free outdoor decorating services with a spider lift allows you to bring your customer's holiday decorating ideas to life safely.

Tracked Lifts goes a step further by providing spider lifts with low ground pressure and rubber tracks. This ensures that you can decorate homes and businesses with ease while minimizing damage to lawns and hardscapes.

How to Use Spider Lifts for Holiday Lighting

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Holiday lighting services are the perfect service addition if you own a spider lift. You can incorporate this valuable service into your business with the following tips:

Properly Use and Maintain Your Spider Lift During the Winter Months

While you should always winterize your spider lift to protect it from the cold weather, operating your lift in the cold requires some additional considerations. Use extra precautions when working in icy or snowy conditions, and reschedule services if conditions are too dangerous.

If you work on a snowy or icy surface, dig through the ice and snow to deploy outriggers on stable terrain. You should also add an anti-gel fuel additive to your diesel fuel and place a magnetic block heater in your lift to help it easily maintain a safe working temperature while operating in extreme temperatures.

Market to Various Businesses

Any business can embrace the holiday season, which broadens your target audience. Market your new service to your various businesses and existing customers for the best results.

Structures such as large office buildings, homes, schools, shopping centers, entertainment venues, event halls, churches and restaurants can all benefit from holiday lighting services. You can also offer your services for local holiday events.

Spider lifts are perfect for setting up outdoor event spaces, installing event equipment, decorating outdoor Christmas trees and constructing elevated display platforms. Whether your town hosts a holiday vendor event or a children's holiday carnival, you can offer helpful services with your spider lift.

Consider advertising your services online, through social media platforms, in the local paper or flyers and on television ads to reach as many potential clients as possible. Email marketing is an excellent strategy for reaching your existing client base, and it's helpful to update your website to advertise your holiday services.

Below we created an example of a graphic you could use to market this service. To customize this template for your business, visit this link, and login in or sign up for a Canva account. It's free to use! All you need to do is update your logo and contact info and download the image to start using. 

Tracked Lifts Christmas Light Installation Instagram Ad Sample

Time Your Marketing and Services Effectively

The last two weeks of November and the first two weeks of December are the busiest times for holiday light installation. Following the holidays, you can schedule tear-down throughout January. Most customers will expect you to remove their lights before February, so scheduling and completing the tear-downs efficiently is important.

Stock Up on Christmas Lights Early

While you can offer services installing Christmas lights your clients supply, you will most likely attract more clients by supplying the lights for them. Building a large collection of lights and renting them out to customers can make your services more appealing.

The earlier you purchase lights, the better deals you can get. You should try to purchase lights directly after the holiday season for the upcoming year. If the holiday season is quickly approaching, consider starting with a small amount of lights and increasing your inventory after the season ends to boost your services in the following year.

If you already have a large holiday light inventory, remember to inspect it before the holiday season begins. Check each string of lights for dim bulbs and exposed wires to ensure you provide customers with only the best decorations.


Invest in a Quality Spider Lift From Tracked Lifts

A spider lift is an incredibly valuable year-round investment, enabling you to offer excellent seasonal services and boost winter profits through holiday light installation. Tracked Lifts offers durable, long-lasting spider lifts  you can use to reach any space safely and easily. Our experts can help you find the perfect spider lift for your needs. Contact us to learn more or schedule a demo.

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